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___________________ Subj: Computer Opponents / Game A.I. ____________________
Fm: andrew hayes 72330,3215 # 182217
To: All Date: 28-Jun-92 17:42:51
I am currently working on a strategy game based on the famous Tri-Tactics
game, or, similar to the game Land Sea Air. Simply put, you have a board
split up into Land or Sea spaces, and you have several different military
pieces, each slightly stronger then the other. The board is split into a
12x12 grid. Each piece can move only forward, back, left or right. When one
piece moves beside another piece, it has the option to declare an ATTACK. In
that case, depending on the piece, one, both, or none of the pieces are
removed from the board.
For example, the ARMY will beat every different type of infantry piece,
and the only thing that removes the army would be the Heavy Arty. The object
is to capture the opponents Land H.Q. with an infantry piece or his Naval
Base with a Ship.
Winners in battles between pieces are not allways as clearly defined as
"A is stronger, so A wins". In some cases, if both pieces on land, A would
win, and if both pieces are in the sea B wins, and if one is on land and one
is on the sea, neither wins.
Inital placement starts with both players placeing his pieces any way
he wishes, making sure to stay on his side of the board. (5 Lines from the
bottom of his side). This placement scheme leaves 2 rows in the middle of the
board, this space is NEUTRAL. (Ships CAN go on land, and infantry CAN go in
the sea, but if either is spotted by an attacking enemy, they automatically
are removed).
I have allready writen all the routines to handle the human players
side of the game (i.e. piece placement, movement, and checking if one piece
will beat another piece). However, I am stuck on perhaps the hardest part of
the game: Computer Players AI. As it stands, the computer places its pieces
pseudo randomly, attempting to place SHIPS on the sea, and all other pieces
on LAND.
As you can see, placement is not very intellegent. I need a
simple system that will place pieces according to weighted positions on the
board, and will change these weighted positions over time as it attempts to
improve its inital placement strategy.
Another problem is the computers reactions to your moves. As it
stands, the computer just sits there and does nothing. I need a routine that
is more than just reactionary (i.e. the computer will move a piece away if it
knows it is stronger, and attack if it is weaker). Well, you may be able to
tell I am no game programming expert, this is a project I decided to under
take to learn more about Borland C++ 3.1. Well, I hope some people here can
give me a few hints.
Andrew Hayes
Fm: Rick 72377,1274 # 182232
To: andrew hayes 72330,3215 (X) Date: 28-Jun-92 17:58:10
the type of game you describe (a 0-sum semideterministic game with weighted
pieces) is similar to quite a few games, your description being closest to
Stratego. Perhaps you could try to contact the programmer who did that one,
and adapt his methods to your game.
I have done mathematical analysis on similar games (and will probably start
researching the effects of weighted pieces sooner or later); can you send me
a copy of the rules and enough information so that I can make it into a board
game (you'd get full copy rights).
With a "board game" mockup, I could get an idea for the game, and give you a
few ideas on how to make enough algorithms for at least a credible AI.
Fm: Jesse Montrose 76646,3302 # 182672
To: Rick 72377,1274 Date: 29-Jun-92 21:52:21
Too bad about Stratego, I loved the board game, but I beat the computer every
time in the Accolade version. Andrew, I hope you end up with something
better than the Stratego AI!
A couple suggestions: If you want to get really hardcore, you might drop in
on the Neural Network forum in AIEXPERT, there's a lot of good talent there.
The basic process in developing "standard" AI is playing the game yourself
and picking apart why you do the things you do. That sounds difficult, but
it's really not that bad. Assign weights to certain patterns, importance to
general objectives. This is where a Neural Net can be invaluable, in
recognizing those patterns later. I've been playing with them for a while
now, and there's much that can be done with them.
An excellent book is "Neural Networks, algorithms, applications and
programming techniques" by Freeman and Skapura. Jim Freeman frequents the NN
forum in AIEXPERT, so you might drop him a line there.
Fm: KGliner 70363,3672 # 182431
To: andrew hayes 72330,3215 Date: 29-Jun-92 04:41:57
You might be able to get away with some simple search algorithms that only
go a few levels deep in the tree. For example, use a selection process based
on having the pieces move towards isolated pieces, or pieces that are weaker
and unlikely to get support from stronger units in time.
You could also hardwire some basic strategies into it. Have two human
players try the game, and watch how they play. Then adapt their strategies
for your computer AI. This can work for both short and long term goals in
the game.
That was a somewhat vague response, but I don't know how much you already
know about this stuff.
As for libraries, I'm somewhat partial to the Genus Microprogramming
package. The event mgr routines it comes with are a little tough to get
working right, but the library as a whole is unbeatable. I've been working
with it for about three months now, and am more than pleased. It is a little
pricey though ($600 or so, but no royalty).
Fm: Mark Betz/GD SL 76605,2346 # 207491
To: Jay Shaffstall 76003,1072 (X) Date: 01-Sep-92 22:09:44
Hi, Jay. Welcome. Jesse and Peter have given you the same advice I'd give. I
don't think there has been much written on the subject, and unfortunately we
don't have anything on it in the lib here. It's one of those arcane areas. I
have a book, now out of print, that describes the use of various data
structures to implement heuristic searches, with the idea being that any move
your computer oponent makes can be viewed as taking the most optimal step
through the tree, in order to reach a goal state from a current state. For
example, the goal state of a computer fighter pilot is to manuever into
position for a shot. To get to that state from the current state you may
employ basic fighter flight tactics, and the problem of "what to do next"
becomes one of "what is the next maneuver that moves me closer to the goal
state". The states and maneuvers can be represented in terms of a data
structure, and there are algorithms for finding the optimal path. That's
about all the help I can be, though, but you will probably find a good
explanation in any text on the subject of goal-state traversal of data
Fm: yngvi 76703,3046 # 207729
To: Mark Betz/GD SL 76605,2346 (X) Date: 02-Sep-92 13:32:20
Right, books on data structures are some of the best sources -- also,
decision analysis and other books that treat alpha beta pruning, etc. The
bigger problem though is in defining the game you're working on, and
designing the trees to traverse, and assigning values. If you can find it,
there's an excellent book called Games Programming by Eric Solomon (Cambridge
Univ Press, 1984) that's a great introduction.
One of the best AI's turns out to be pure random numbers -- i usually have
several levels of computer 'intelligence' in my games, and the lowest level
is often just random choices by the computer. Amazing how many people think
that the computer is consciously deciding to attack them, when in fact, it's
just moving along slightly constrained random patterns <g>.
In the online Sniper game, eg, the computer guys have a pretty limited
knowledge of the game itself -- they get up, look around, and then either
move or fire or throw a grenade. All that can be done pretty quickly (on CIS
it HAS to be simple <g>), but it does make a reasonable opponent.
Fm: yngvi 76703,3046 # 208110
To: Mark Betz/GD SL 76605,2346 (X) Date: 03-Sep-92 12:46:39
There are a fair number of books that can help in designing AI -- starting
with Perla's The Art of Wargaming, which concentrates on boardgames but has
useful chapters on design. Then there are books like Tuckwell's Elementary
Applications of Probability Theory, or Ayala's Population & Evolutionary
The key to remember is that you probably won't find what you want in the
computer section of the bookstore -- try the economics or science or applied
math sections, depending on your application.
Fm: yngvi 76703,3046 # 207728
To: Jay Shaffstall 76003,1072 (X) Date: 02-Sep-92 13:32:09
Most game AI is rudimentary at best -- a lot depends on the game itself --
is it a game of complete information? are there random events? in chess or
checkers, you know all the pieces and their positions. moves are constrained
to very specific patterns, and combat results are completely known. In a war
game, you dont know where all the pieces are, you know only probabilities of
movement & combat (if that). In bridge, you have partial information in a
fixed (52 card) universe, so you can estimate probabilities. Each of these 3
types of games requires a different approach.
The AI community hasnt really done much in areas of incomplete information
- even in chess, modified brute force has proven to be the 'best' algorithm.
Fm: Jesse Montrose 76646,3302 # 208258
To: yngvi 76703,3046 Date: 03-Sep-92 19:58:22
My current game is a tank game. I'm trying to use genetic algorithms to
'grow' viable computer tanks.
As it stands, my NN modules are geared toward determining the actions of a
single entity, rather than the 'teamwork' implied in something like a game of
It may well be that the translation to team play will not produce any
results, but there are enough 'free-for-all' games that I'd like to try my
hand at.
Fm: Mark Iennaco 71740,2675 # 208176
To: yngvi 76703,3046 Date: 03-Sep-92 17:09:52
While I agree that the application of game theory is limited, I think there
is some definite value for the computer opponent application.
For those of you who have never been exposed to Game Theory, It is an
analysis tecninque for providing the "optimum strategy" (choice pattern) for
any "two player" situation that can be described by a "payoff matrix".
The payoff matrix is composed of (your play options) x (opponent's play
options). At the intersection of each option pair is a "payoff" value,
positive or negative, that determines how well you have done in that
particular exchange. The results of the analysis is the percentage of times
you should choose each option at random, including 0% for options that have
no value.
The problem is in calculating the payoff matrix values. Even in a full
information game, the results of an option might be statistical. For example,
if I attack a forward weapon, and he closes and attacks, the value of the
matrix element will be composed of the chance of my damaging his weapon, the
game value of the weapon, his chance of damaging me, and the game value of
him damaging me. In an incomplete information game, you might have to factor
in the chance that the opposing unit is of a particular type. This means that
determining the individual values may be impossible to do analytically. At
which point empirical methods (like monty-carlo) become appropriate.
There are numerous extentions. Examples:e non-zero-sum games, which are
analysed as games in which each player has their own playoff matrix. Games in
which the oppenent is known to use "less than optimum" strategys. Besides
obvious causese, this can occur because of a non-zero-sum situation, in
which, your oppent utilizes the optimum strategy for his payoff matrix, which
is not the optimum strategy against your matrix. Also, muti-player games,
which are analysed as a set of matrices for each pair (combitorial explosion
I hope that this has shown that the tecnique is appropriate for developing a
strategy for selecting options during play. It is not likely that it can be
used for a "general purpose" opponent. However, for any specific game, It
should be possible to run a monty-carlo simulation on each option pair and
create a payoff matrix. So for any single game, it could be used for
stratigic decision making.
The net result of a Games Theory analysis on a given game would be a table of
options, and their appropriate percentages, for each identifiable game
situation. You would still need to write the code to (1) identify the
situation (this is a job for an expert system and/or a neural net) and (2)
impliment the options.
Fm: Jesse Montrose 76646,3302 # 208260
To: Mark Iennaco 71740,2675 Date: 03-Sep-92 19:58:32
You've described a problem similar to my most difficult one to date.
I started out with straight backpropagation neural nets, but here's the
My network loses the game and dies. In attempting error propagation, where
do I assign blame? Was it my early choice to attack? Or my later decision
to back off to repair?
I've turned to genetic algorithms to fill in the gap. I hope to 'grow'
viable tanks in a simulated arena, after many generations of mutations and
mating. Fortunately, I've got a 486/50 coming to let my primordal soup
simmer... [g]
Fm: Jesse Montrose 76646,3302 # 208259
To: Mark Iennaco 71740,2675 Date: 03-Sep-92 19:58:26
>(2) I suspect that an expert system will be more appropriate than a neural
net (although I can see how to do it either/both ways).
You're quite right. A neural net is difficult to manage without an expert
system front end. That's the way I'm working now.
Fm: Mark Iennaco 71740,2675 # 208561
To: Mark Betz/GD SL 76605,2346 (X) Date: 04-Sep-92 15:26:37
O.K. - Monty Carlo Analysis, Short Version:
(1) First, get yourself a _good_ random number generator.
(2) Then run a large number of trial runs and keep a record of the results.
(3) Do a statistical analysis on the results.
As that was probably of less-than-crystaline clarity, I will try an example:
Two matched game units will attack each other until one is destroyed.
each unit has three damage points
each unit attacks alternatly with a 50% chance of doing 1 point damage.
the attacker get first shot.
The possible outcomes are
Unit loses
Unit wins with 1 point left
Unit wins with 2 points left
Unit wins with 3 points left (undamaged)
This situation (note: this is destroyer-vs-destroyer in Empire) is dificult
to resolve analytically (not impossible) because there is the
chain-of-misses-to-infinity condition that requires theory of limits to
resolve (remember first semester calculus?).
Instead, set up a program to run about 10,000 combats to completion. Add one
to the appropriate bin after each run. After all runs divide the number in
the bin by the number of runs to get the fraction for that outcome.
That is a Monty Carlo Analysis.
To use this in a Payoff Matrix for a Games Theory analysis, you would assign
a value to each outcome, and then computed the weighted sum (value*fraction)
of all outcomes. The weighted sum becomes the value for the appropriate entry
in the Payoff Matrix. This particular example becomes the value for all
entries on the Attack Opponent row since the opponents response will be
immaterial to the outcome. This is not always true.
There are other aspects to the calculation. In this particular game (Empire),
if this is early in the game, your destroyer may have a higher game value (it
is good for searching for teritory, and chasing transports) than later in the
game (when everything is colonized). This affects the values of the outcomes
in the Matrix, espcially if they are not matched units.
The presence of other units in the vicinity could also affect the values. A
heavly damaged destroyer can no longer outrun a cruiser. If an enemy cruiser
is nearby, the Unit wins w/1 outcome has a lower value. OTOH, if one of your
cruisers is nearby (so that it can protect the damaged unit on its way back
for repair), that outcome will be worth more.
The dynamics of evaluation-of-the-situation are significantly more complex
than the choice-of-options once they have been determined.
Fm: yngvi 76703,3046 # 208579
To: Mark Betz/GD SL 76605,2346 (X) Date: 04-Sep-92 16:48:29
it's Monte Carlo -- as in race track/casino, not holy grail <g>...
Monte Carlo simulation basically involves setting up an equation for your
system, then picking random values (based on some distribution that you
decide applies) to plug in and calculate the result. Doing this once doesnt
do you much good, of course, so you repeat it 100's or 1000's of times, and
plot a histogram of the results. It's a useful technique for fuzzy problems
where you dont have tight numbers.
Eg, one real world example I've used it for is range estimating. In doing
cost estimating for large construction projects there are many variables that
you cant control -- inflation, utilities costs, labor charges, etc. Picking
one value for each doesnt work either, so what you do is construct a
distribution for each (eg, "inflation will vary between 3% and 5%"), then run
your estimate using a set of selections. You repeat this multiple times, and
you get a histogram of possible total costs. The answer you get isnt a
single number. instead you can say "we have a 80% chance that the costs will
be $XXXM or less", etc.
It's a useful technique for simulating an economy in a game.
Fm: yngvi 76703,3046 # 213696
To: Jesse Montrose 76646,3302 Date: 16-Sep-92 12:51:09
A couple more things to think about as units start to work together:
One reason why wargames are so hard to develop AI opponents for is team play
-- selecting the best move for a particular unit is usually straightforward;
doing so for the entire faction is much more difficult. just defining the
'front' is a problem ( Chris Crawford had a short article on that in a past
JCGD). assigning tasks across all units is the problem -you have to assign
sufficient units to coordinate an attack, but not so many that you get
trafffic jams, and clusters of attackers while leaving holes in your line.
Another problem is time related -- consider the case of Jackson's move
around Hooker at Chancellorsville. a move by move algorithm would probably
have him return to the sound of the guns before completing the maneuver.
that's what happens in a lot of AI -- you get them bouncing back & forth
between 2 options.
Fm: Roger Keating/SSG 72000,3257 # 308251
To: Steve Bennett 76702,1071 (X) Date: 04-Mar-93 16:22:21
The 'CAW Construction Kit' will be out in about a month. This kit includes
the AI editor for 'CAW' including tutorial and copious explanations of the
techniques and applications used in the game. I believe that this is a must
for anyone interested in AI techniques.
Fm: Tim Koffley 70334,16 # 374532
To: All Date: 12-Jun-93 16:15:07
I've always wanted to do a 2-player game wherein each player controls a
team of "pieces" combatting against the other player on a fixed field and I
need the know-how to create a computer opponent. Each player's actions are
basically move and then attack.
I think what I need are texts on game trees as the "board" is fixed and
each player knows where every piece is at all times; I'm not sure. The only
books I've found on gaming are pretty mathematical in nature w/o any good
examples or applications. Does anyone know of any good books with thorough
application and examples of such things? Am I barking up the wrong tree?
Fm: yngvi 76703,3046 # 375163
To: Tim Koffley 70334,16 (X) Date: 13-Jun-93 14:02:37
Depends on the type of game you want to do. There was a good thread here a
few months ago about designing AI for wargames (should still be in the
libs?). Trees may not be the solution you want. In the SNIPER! online game,
eg, I have pretty severe restraints in terms of the amount of cpu time I can
use, so the AI is minimal. But some simple heuristics can help to give a
fair opponent. In this case, the AI isn't that important, since the main
reason for playing the game is to play other humans. Despite this, I still
get a fair number of feedbacks that claim the AI is too smart and even
devious <g>.
The Sniper AI really has only a few rules such as "if fired on, return
fire". That one rule causes a lot of trouble for the player, since it's
reactive. Other rules include "fire at a target that you have a reasonable
chance of hitting", and "if no targets available, move towards the last known
enemy". These rules take no trees to implement, and little information needs
to be processed.